We believe that in order to stay at the forefront of dentistry we must always invest in new technology. This past summer (August 2016) we renovated our entire office. We placed new floors, new ceilings, new front desk, and updated the consultation room. We installed 5 new top- of- the-line Adec dental chairs with built-in piezoelectric scaling units. We already have been using digital X-rays, and updated to the newest, most accurate sensors.
Our latest technological addition is Trios 3Shape digital scanner. This will enable us to take impressions by means of digital scans, instead of using conventional impression materials. The digital impressions not only eliminate the gooey mess of a traditional dental impression, but result in a faster and more accurate result, and an overall more pleasant dental experience.
Continuing with the trend of updating the office, we are proud to introduce our newest piece of technology: The Trios 3Shape Digital Scanner.
The Benefits of Digital Scanning
Digital Scanning has many implications in the field of dentistry. Here are some of the ways that we will immediately put our Trios Scanner to to use:
- Maintaining precise dental records for the shape, size, color and orientation of our patients teeth and gums.
- Impressions for crowns and bridges
- Impressions for implants
- Impressions for Night Guards
- Precise Digital planning of dental implants and restorative cases.
The days of taking gooey impressions are no more! They are replaced with a highly accurate, comfortable digital experience. The Trios 3Shape digital scanner not only allows us to take our impressions digitally, but it will take HD photos which aid in choosing the perfect color for cosmetic dentistry performed in Moshman Dental.